Here's part two of the video series on photo shopping pictures. Stay tuned for part three tomorrow.
Core Fitness Solution
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Truth About Photo Shoots
This is part one of a three-part series about the photo shopping done in magazines and how it affects the consumers in terms of self-worth and the like. I'll post part two tomorrow and part three on Friday.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
A Punch in the Face
by Doug Betts
(Note to the reader: I’m going to go off on a pretty big tangent, but I will reveal my point about mid-way through this piece. Stay patient while I go on and on, there is a pretty big payoff at the end! Also, you should know that I don't advocate violence. I'm only using it here to demonstrate a point!)
Everybody gets mad sometimes. Every once in a while you get really, really angry. I’ve ticked off a few people in my day (sometimes by doing nothing more than being a morning person!). I’m sure I’ve even driven a few people to fantasies of punching me in the face. Luckily, outside of competitive fighting, I’ve managed to avoid that. I’ve often wondered about that fine line between throwing a punch and holding back. We stop ourselves in the name of being civilized. Fighting is kind of taboo in our society (to say the least). Obviously, some pretty major consequences can arise from it. They might hit back. We may be fined or incarcerated. We may even find ourselves the subject of a law suit. Aside from that, we worry about what people will think about us, so we take any desires we may have to hit someone, bottle them up, and store them deep down inside.
We’ve all seen those movies where one character, usually the antagonist, is just an all-out jerk to the main character. Throughout the movie, the main character maintains composure while this putz lays it on thick. You can see the frustration, the hurt, and the longing for the strength just to stand up to the verbal bully. Usually in the climactic scene, the main character, having gone through some sort of transformation, goes through a really bad string of demeaning insults brought on my the nemesis. Instead of the normal reaction, we find extreme relief to see the hero punch the villain square in the mouth.
What changed in the hero’s mind? Why did our protagonist ignore all of the aforementioned consequences? Because this formerly meek and meager person had enough. There’s only so far people can be pushed before they stop caring about consequences. If you get to that point, you’re willing to deal with whatever consequences arise.
Okay, before you start thinking that I’m advising you to go around punching people, I’d better tell you what all of this has to do with your quest for a flat tummy.
Just like punching somebody, getting serious about a weight loss program has consequences. We don’t normally call them that, but that’s exactly what they are. You will lose out on time to do other things. You will be sore. You will watch your friends eat all of your favorite foods while you abstain. Another similarity your weight loss program has with punching someone is the fact that most people won’t go that far. Most people will remain like the meek, meager version of the movie characters. There comes a time, however, where you have to stop caring about the consequences and go for it (the weight loss program, not punching somebody!). Only then will you drop your inhibitions. Only then can you exercise with appropriate vigor. Only then can you bring about positive change.
I know somebody who actually gets kind of a sick enjoyment out of the “consequences” that his goals bring. He’s of the mindset that these consequences are what will bring him closer to his goal. While everybody else is avoiding the consequences, he’s actually almost seeking them out! The same holds true for you, as well. Adopt the attitude of “yeah, bring it on!” Then take comfort in knowing that you are one of the few who is willing to face the fire and do what it takes to achieve a result.
So what now? Are you going to stay the same, or are you willing to really go for it? You need to decide right here, right now that you are willing to put up with all the bad stuff so you can get the good stuff. Consequences be dammed!
(Note to the reader: I’m going to go off on a pretty big tangent, but I will reveal my point about mid-way through this piece. Stay patient while I go on and on, there is a pretty big payoff at the end! Also, you should know that I don't advocate violence. I'm only using it here to demonstrate a point!)
Everybody gets mad sometimes. Every once in a while you get really, really angry. I’ve ticked off a few people in my day (sometimes by doing nothing more than being a morning person!). I’m sure I’ve even driven a few people to fantasies of punching me in the face. Luckily, outside of competitive fighting, I’ve managed to avoid that. I’ve often wondered about that fine line between throwing a punch and holding back. We stop ourselves in the name of being civilized. Fighting is kind of taboo in our society (to say the least). Obviously, some pretty major consequences can arise from it. They might hit back. We may be fined or incarcerated. We may even find ourselves the subject of a law suit. Aside from that, we worry about what people will think about us, so we take any desires we may have to hit someone, bottle them up, and store them deep down inside.
We’ve all seen those movies where one character, usually the antagonist, is just an all-out jerk to the main character. Throughout the movie, the main character maintains composure while this putz lays it on thick. You can see the frustration, the hurt, and the longing for the strength just to stand up to the verbal bully. Usually in the climactic scene, the main character, having gone through some sort of transformation, goes through a really bad string of demeaning insults brought on my the nemesis. Instead of the normal reaction, we find extreme relief to see the hero punch the villain square in the mouth.
What changed in the hero’s mind? Why did our protagonist ignore all of the aforementioned consequences? Because this formerly meek and meager person had enough. There’s only so far people can be pushed before they stop caring about consequences. If you get to that point, you’re willing to deal with whatever consequences arise.
Okay, before you start thinking that I’m advising you to go around punching people, I’d better tell you what all of this has to do with your quest for a flat tummy.
Just like punching somebody, getting serious about a weight loss program has consequences. We don’t normally call them that, but that’s exactly what they are. You will lose out on time to do other things. You will be sore. You will watch your friends eat all of your favorite foods while you abstain. Another similarity your weight loss program has with punching someone is the fact that most people won’t go that far. Most people will remain like the meek, meager version of the movie characters. There comes a time, however, where you have to stop caring about the consequences and go for it (the weight loss program, not punching somebody!). Only then will you drop your inhibitions. Only then can you exercise with appropriate vigor. Only then can you bring about positive change.
I know somebody who actually gets kind of a sick enjoyment out of the “consequences” that his goals bring. He’s of the mindset that these consequences are what will bring him closer to his goal. While everybody else is avoiding the consequences, he’s actually almost seeking them out! The same holds true for you, as well. Adopt the attitude of “yeah, bring it on!” Then take comfort in knowing that you are one of the few who is willing to face the fire and do what it takes to achieve a result.
So what now? Are you going to stay the same, or are you willing to really go for it? You need to decide right here, right now that you are willing to put up with all the bad stuff so you can get the good stuff. Consequences be dammed!
Try This
by Doug Betts
Here's a cool idea to try on your next workout. Forget about reps. Instead of counting how many times you can lift a particular weight, try setting a timer. You're not allowed to stop moving the weight until the time is done. There is a concept The known to the Exercise Science community as time under tension. The idea is that it doesn't matter how many reps you complete, just how long your muscles are working against resistance. I can't say I buy the theory completely, but I do think there may be some merit. If nothing else, it adds some variety to your routine. So if you're getting bored with your workout, stop counting and start watching the clock!
Best & Worst BBQ Foods
By David Zinczenko
Via Men's Health
Last July 4, Joey Chestnut earned his third consecutive victory in Coney Island’s Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest—the gustatory champ downed 68 hot dogs in 10 minutes. That jaw-dropping stat is made scarier still when you realize that Chestnut consumed over 20,000 calories in that time. That’s a whole day’s worth of calories ... per minute.
Now, your own Independence Day festivities may not rival Chestnut’s, but these days you could easily consume a full day of calories in one sitting—and that’s before you reach for seconds. When grills go wild, so do waistlines.
Luckily, for the best-selling weight-loss books Eat This, Not That! and Drink This, Not That! we created the following list of the best and worst summer barbecue foods. Choose the healthier option in each category, and save yourself over 800 calories (or more) at each meal.
Best and Worst Summer BBQ Meat
Eat This!
Pork Tenderloin (6 oz)
328 calories
11.5 g fat (4 g saturated)
95 mg sodium
Not That!
Cheeseburger (5 oz)
630 Calories
41 g fat (15 g saturated)
735 mg sodium
Pork tenderloin is one of the most underrated cuts in the meat case. It's not just lean, but loaded with thiamin, a B vitamin that converts sugar into energy. Compare that to the cheeseburger, which has nearly double the calories and four times the amount of fat.
Then again, maybe only a burger will do for you. If so, switch to grass-fed beef. You’ll get a leaner chuck with a higher concentration of omega-3s. Or check out our recipe for the healthy, delicious Green Chili Burger in our indispensable list from Cook This, Not That! of the 15 Best Recipes for Cooking Yourself Skinny! In just minutes you can save yourself time, money, and hundreds of calories!
Best and Worst Summer BBQ Side
Eat This!
Coleslaw (1/2 c)
150 calories
8 g fat (1 g saturated)
350 mg sodium
Not That!
Potato Salad (1/2 c)
190 calories
12 g fat (3 g saturated)
430 mg sodium
Potato salad is one of those foods that sounds healthier than it is. After all, potatoes ... good. Salad ... good. Here's the problem: Mayonnaise ... bad. Very bad. (Check out our shocking list of caloric calamities in 30 “Healthy” Foods That Aren’t. You'll understand just how food marketers try to trick you into thinking that salads, wraps, smoothies and other favorite foods are healthy.)
Of course, coleslaw is a vehicle for mayo as well, so it comes down to which vehicle is better for the environment that is your body. Coleslaw wins here by a nose; it has fewer calories and less fat, sodium, and carbs.
That said, if you have your heart set on potato salad, prepare it like the Germans do—that is, with a mustard base instead of mayo. This will cut close to 100 calories from each serving. (For other free health, fitness and nutrition secrets that will improve your life right this second, follow me on twitter here.)
Best and Worst Summer BBQ Snack
Eat This!
Tortilla Chips and Guacamole (about 10 chips)
160 calories
11 g fat (3 g saturated)
280 mg sodium
Not That!
Corn on the Cob with Butter
200 calories
7 g fat (4 g saturated)
190 mg sodium
It’s an American birthright to eat corn, but truthfully, it offers little nutritionally compared to a powerhouse like avocado. So stick with the chips. Choose a whole-grain chip like those made by Garden of Eatin’ and you’ll get a boost of fiber to go along with guacamole’s good monounsaturated fats.
Still want corn? Fine, but make it healthier by cutting back on the butter and sprinkling it with chili powder and lime juice. And remember: Cutting calories isn’t always a matter of watching what you eat. Watch what you drink, and you can trim over 400 calories from your daily diet, without actually altering your food consumption at all. See this must-have list of The 20 Worst Drinks in America for the liquids that should never pass your lips. If you go with the healthier alternatives listed you can lose more than two pounds of belly fat per week!
Best and Worst Summer BBQ Salad
Eat This!
Fruit Salad (1/2 c)
55 calories
0 g fat
5 mg sodium
13 g sugars
Not That!
Iceberg Salad with Ranch
175 calories
11 g fat (2 g saturated)
240 mg sodium
Besides mayonnaise, ranch is responsible for turning more healthy foods unhealthy than any other condiment. Instead of munching on the greens, dice up some melons, kiwi, and pineapple and then toss in a few grapes for good measure. This salad’s naturally sweet and loaded with fiber and antioxidants.
Best and Worst Summer BBQ Drink
Drink This!
Yuengling Lager
135 calories
12 g carbs
4.4% alcohol
Not That!
Budweiser American Ale
182 calories
18.1 g carbs
3.2% alcohol
American Ale might sound appropriately patriotic, but it’s the absolute worst of Bud’s mainstream bottles. Choose Yuengling instead. The Lager is full of flavor, not calories. And Yuengling is America’s oldest brewery. What's more patriotic than that?
Your summer feast starts right here, with our FREE grilling guides. You'll get dozens of recipes and cool techniques that will wow your family, friends, and neighbors with flavor.
FOLLOW DAVE ZINCZENKO ON TWITTER and get FREE live-better secrets every day!
Sign up for the free Eat This, Not That! newsletter.
Check out these cutting-edge guides to fast and easy weight loss, the brand-new Men’s Health Big Book of Exercises and Women’s Health Big Book of Exercises.
Via Men's Health
Last July 4, Joey Chestnut earned his third consecutive victory in Coney Island’s Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest—the gustatory champ downed 68 hot dogs in 10 minutes. That jaw-dropping stat is made scarier still when you realize that Chestnut consumed over 20,000 calories in that time. That’s a whole day’s worth of calories ... per minute.
Now, your own Independence Day festivities may not rival Chestnut’s, but these days you could easily consume a full day of calories in one sitting—and that’s before you reach for seconds. When grills go wild, so do waistlines.
Luckily, for the best-selling weight-loss books Eat This, Not That! and Drink This, Not That! we created the following list of the best and worst summer barbecue foods. Choose the healthier option in each category, and save yourself over 800 calories (or more) at each meal.
Eat This!
Pork Tenderloin (6 oz)
328 calories
11.5 g fat (4 g saturated)
95 mg sodium
Not That!
Cheeseburger (5 oz)
630 Calories
41 g fat (15 g saturated)
735 mg sodium
Pork tenderloin is one of the most underrated cuts in the meat case. It's not just lean, but loaded with thiamin, a B vitamin that converts sugar into energy. Compare that to the cheeseburger, which has nearly double the calories and four times the amount of fat.
Then again, maybe only a burger will do for you. If so, switch to grass-fed beef. You’ll get a leaner chuck with a higher concentration of omega-3s. Or check out our recipe for the healthy, delicious Green Chili Burger in our indispensable list from Cook This, Not That! of the 15 Best Recipes for Cooking Yourself Skinny! In just minutes you can save yourself time, money, and hundreds of calories!
Eat This!
Coleslaw (1/2 c)
150 calories
8 g fat (1 g saturated)
350 mg sodium
Not That!
Potato Salad (1/2 c)
190 calories
12 g fat (3 g saturated)
430 mg sodium
Potato salad is one of those foods that sounds healthier than it is. After all, potatoes ... good. Salad ... good. Here's the problem: Mayonnaise ... bad. Very bad. (Check out our shocking list of caloric calamities in 30 “Healthy” Foods That Aren’t. You'll understand just how food marketers try to trick you into thinking that salads, wraps, smoothies and other favorite foods are healthy.)
Of course, coleslaw is a vehicle for mayo as well, so it comes down to which vehicle is better for the environment that is your body. Coleslaw wins here by a nose; it has fewer calories and less fat, sodium, and carbs.
That said, if you have your heart set on potato salad, prepare it like the Germans do—that is, with a mustard base instead of mayo. This will cut close to 100 calories from each serving. (For other free health, fitness and nutrition secrets that will improve your life right this second, follow me on twitter here.)
Eat This!
Tortilla Chips and Guacamole (about 10 chips)
160 calories
11 g fat (3 g saturated)
280 mg sodium
Not That!
Corn on the Cob with Butter
200 calories
7 g fat (4 g saturated)
190 mg sodium
It’s an American birthright to eat corn, but truthfully, it offers little nutritionally compared to a powerhouse like avocado. So stick with the chips. Choose a whole-grain chip like those made by Garden of Eatin’ and you’ll get a boost of fiber to go along with guacamole’s good monounsaturated fats.
Still want corn? Fine, but make it healthier by cutting back on the butter and sprinkling it with chili powder and lime juice. And remember: Cutting calories isn’t always a matter of watching what you eat. Watch what you drink, and you can trim over 400 calories from your daily diet, without actually altering your food consumption at all. See this must-have list of The 20 Worst Drinks in America for the liquids that should never pass your lips. If you go with the healthier alternatives listed you can lose more than two pounds of belly fat per week!
Eat This!
Fruit Salad (1/2 c)
55 calories
0 g fat
5 mg sodium
13 g sugars
Not That!
Iceberg Salad with Ranch
175 calories
11 g fat (2 g saturated)
240 mg sodium
Besides mayonnaise, ranch is responsible for turning more healthy foods unhealthy than any other condiment. Instead of munching on the greens, dice up some melons, kiwi, and pineapple and then toss in a few grapes for good measure. This salad’s naturally sweet and loaded with fiber and antioxidants.
Drink This!
Yuengling Lager
135 calories
12 g carbs
4.4% alcohol
Not That!
Budweiser American Ale
182 calories
18.1 g carbs
3.2% alcohol
American Ale might sound appropriately patriotic, but it’s the absolute worst of Bud’s mainstream bottles. Choose Yuengling instead. The Lager is full of flavor, not calories. And Yuengling is America’s oldest brewery. What's more patriotic than that?
Your summer feast starts right here, with our FREE grilling guides. You'll get dozens of recipes and cool techniques that will wow your family, friends, and neighbors with flavor.
FOLLOW DAVE ZINCZENKO ON TWITTER and get FREE live-better secrets every day!
Sign up for the free Eat This, Not That! newsletter.
Check out these cutting-edge guides to fast and easy weight loss, the brand-new Men’s Health Big Book of Exercises and Women’s Health Big Book of Exercises.
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